Wednesday 11 July 2018

What Makes An Ideal Logo?

This article is for those small business owners and bloggers who are in search for a new logo for their website/blog. Understandably, it can be tough getting it right when it comes to logos. As the site owner, you need to know what you have in mind and the type of image you want to project. Paying attention to details is of utmost importance.

So what are we to look out for in an ideal logo?

1. Simplicity
This is one of the core factors to llok out for while searching for a good logo. The design on a logo should not look too busy.  A busy design is is one which contains multiple concepts. An ideal desing focuses majorly on the core concept that represents your brand while maintaining simplicity in others.

2. Effectiveness
The message conveyed by a logo must be effective in the sense that it must sink in the mind. An ideal logo needs to be simple in design yet effective in appearance such that it registers in the mind. An example is the facebook logo. It is simple and very effective.

3. Appropriate
A logo needs to be appropriate for the brand it represents or else the logo will convey a different mesage entirely. For instance, having the symbol of fire in a logo meant to represent a building construction company conveys a message of danger and as such will not be appropriate for such brand.

Do you need a professional logo for your business/blog? Click here

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